Our young producer Caden says I have now officially ruined this song for him. Plus, my daughter says the song is already played out anyway (ha). Whenever I hear this pop song APT by Rose' and Bruno Mars...all I hear is "Get Patel Confirmed."
He's a recently retired Hispanic gang expert with the FBI who now lives in Bozeman, Montana. So what stood out to him when I shared the news earlier this week about the drug related arrests in Wolf Point and the armed burglary near Belgrade?
Why are we sending billions of dollars to fund the Taliban in Afghanistan? Montana's newly elected Senator and Navy SEAL veteran Tim Sheehy (R-MT) has a bill to stop it.
We had AI put together a cattle auctioneer monologue for a gender neutral cattle auction. You can't say bull sale, bred heifer, steer...you name it. And we were dying laughing.