As someone who has sported facial hair for most of my adult life, "No Shave November" isn't really a thing for me. Every month is a no-shave! Although I still use a razor every couple of days on my neck... in my opinion, unless you're rocking full-on Duck Dynasty facial hair, neckbeards are kind of gross.

Let it go, let it grow!

For Montana dudes that typically shave every day, this is the month that many let their facial hair go. Part of the reason may correlate with hunting season. Some guys do it just for fun, and for others, it could be part of a national campaign to raise money and awareness for cancer. writes,

The goal of No-Shave November is to grow awareness by embracing our hair, which many cancer patients lose, and letting it grow wild and free. Donate the money you typically spend on shaving and grooming to educate about cancer prevention, save lives, and aid those fighting the battle.

Similarly, an Australian group created Movember in 2003, where participants are invited to grow a mustache (Aussies call them "mo's") to create awareness and raise money for men's health issues like testicular cancer or prostate cancer.

Michael Foth, TSM
That one time I briefly had a mustache. Michael Foth, TSM

So what's the most popular facial hair in Montana?

It was difficult to find any concrete data on the most popular style of facial hair in Montana. An undated piece from The Black Tux said that a classic mustache is the most common facial hairstyle in the Treasure State, eluding to our western heritage and the popular cowboy 'stache. wrote in 2021 that the "monkey tail" beard was Montana's favorite. Their data seems a little off... I don't think I've ever seen this bizarre beard style in Montana. Like, ever.

Photo by Troy T on Unsplash/Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash
Photo by Troy T on Unsplash/Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

It's gotta be the classic lumberjack.

The #1 beard style I see in Montana is a traditional full beard. Some are neatly trimmed short, while others veer into the longer "biker beard" style of facial hair. These styles make sense around here. They're rugged, manly, outdoorsy, and scream "Montana." Plus they help keep your face warm in our frigid winters. Ladies, are you pro-beard or anti-beard?

LOOK: These Are the 50 biggest retailers in America

Stacker compiled a list of the 50 biggest retailers in the country, using retail sales data from Kantar, provided by the National Retail Federation.