Create Your Own Luck with These St. Patty’s Celebrations Safety Tips
1. Watch Your Drinks like a Hawk
I’ve been drugged here in Billings, and it’s awful. It’s a scary thing where you lose your memory and possible temporary paralysis. Common drugs used to spike drinks are Rohypnol, GHB and ketamine being secreted into a target’s drink. Keep your hand over your drink or pour your drink into a cup that has a lid to keep from being drugged. You cannot rely on friends to watch your drink if they’re drinking too. Stay aware!
2. Stay With Your Friends
The buddy system is crucial to safety because a lone person is an easy target. People use days like a heavy drinking holiday to rob you, drug you, or attack you. Get your crew and stay together when enjoying the festivities in downtown Billings.
3. Always Call a Ride Share or have a DD
You don’t want to test your luck with driving intoxicated if you’re drunk or even tipsy. The heat is on, and Billings PD will have their eyes on the streets.
4. Be Aware of Your Surroundings
Predators look for a couple things when targeting someone. They look for if you’re alone, if you’re really drunk, or if you’re not paying attention. Parades have floats so be aware of the vehicles and paradegoers.
5. Carry Pepper Spray in Your bag or purse.
And use it if you feel it’s necessary. Don’t be afraid to stop an attack. Run, yell, fight back. If something does happen to you, tell the Billings PD and file a report.
6. Watch How Many Drinks You Have.
St. Patty’s Day is fun, but not if you end up in an ambulance with alcohol poisoning on your way to St. Vincent's Hospital. Plus, that’s an expensive mistake.