In Montana, parents play a big role in helping to make sure that their children attend school regularly as mandated by Montana Law (MCA 20-5-103).

It's important to understand the rules around school attendance to help your child succeed academically and so that you can avoid truancy issues. If your child attends school in Billings, the Billings Public Schools attendance policy, detailed in the Student/Parent Handbook under Procedure 3120P1, outlines the expectations and procedures regarding student attendance.

Compulsory Attendance Requirement

Parents are mandated to ensure that their children attend school starting at age seven until they reach 16 years of age or complete the eighth grade.

Dealing with Unexcused Absences

If your child is unable to go to school, please make sure to inform the school on the same day. This can change an unexcused absence to an excused one. Your communication is important in helping the school keep accurate attendance records.

Truancy Interventions

If a student has missed school four times without a good reason, someone from the Truancy Center will visit your home to talk about why your child has missed school.

Excused Absences and Documentation

If you don't let the school know when your child is absent, it will be considered an unexcused absence. If your child has missed school four times without a good reason, they will be sent to the Truancy Center for help. If these unexcused absences keep happening, there will be more meetings with the school and people from the Truancy Center to figure out what to do next.

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Consequences of Chronic Truancy

If your child keeps missing school without a good reason, it can cause big problems. After missing school six times without a good reason, you will need to meet with the Truancy Center Director and fill out a special form. If the truancy issue isn't fixed, it could be taken to the County Attorney's office for possible legal action. It's important to address any attendance issues before they get more serious.

See How School Cafeteria Meals Have Changed Over the Past 100 Years

Using government and news reports, Stacker has traced the history of cafeteria meals from their inception to the present day, with data from news and government reports. Read on to see how various legal acts, food trends, and budget cuts have changed what kids are getting on their trays.

Gallery Credit: Madison Troyer

Check Out the Best-Selling Album From the Year You Graduated High School

Do you remember the top album from the year you graduated high school? Stacker analyzed Billboard data to determine just that, looking at the best-selling album from every year going all the way back to 1956. Sales data is included only from 1992 onward when Nielsen's SoundScan began gathering computerized figures.

Going in chronological order from 1956 to 2020, we present the best-selling album from the year you graduated high school.

Gallery Credit: Jacob Osborn